Please to observe the following guidelines when invoicing BKK AS (Norwegian org. number 976 944 801).
- Invoice to be prepared in the EHF format.
- If this is not feasible, invoice in PDF format should be sent to (Åpner epostklient)
- Terms of payment is 30 days net.
- Invoice reminders must be sent to (Åpner epostklient)
- No invoice, copy of invoice or payment reminders should be addressed to staff email.
Note that spaces marked "Deres ref.” and “ordrenr.” must be filled in as follows:
- "Deres ref." (BuyersReference):
- “Ansattnummer” is a 3, 4 or 5 digit reference to the invoice recipient.
- "ordrenr." ("cac:orderReference" cbc:ID")
When Purchasing Orders are placed using the IBX system the space “ordrenr” shall mark the PO number.